Latinas wanted

  Forum / Le coin des nouveaux

Inscrit en May 2009

1 message(s)
5 November 2018
Hello, i would like to see more latinas, but most of the girls here are Russians. Is there a way to choose?
Inscrit en Mar 2016

81 message(s)
5 November 2018 (edited)

Welcome to the forum.

For the existing cards you can filter on latina.
  • Girls store
  • Look at the filters on top
  • Filter on ethnicity
  • Disable all
  • Enable latina

You will be presented with latina girls.

For new girls / cards to be presented it's another thing.

Girls must be in Europe at a good timing, interest, etc.
Lot's of subjects about this in the forum.

Enjoy iStripper.

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