Inscrit en Apr 2018

24 message(s)
15 February 2019
Why do I see a red and/or black tag with the letter S on the top left side of some of my cards in my collection?
Inscrit en Oct 2010

1249 message(s)
15 February 2019
That's the new logo tagging system for iStripper/iStripper XXX
Inscrit en Apr 2018

24 message(s)
15 February 2019
Thanks. What is the significance? How does that improve my experience?

That's the new logo tagging system for iStripper/iStripper XXX[/quote]
Inscrit en Oct 2010

1249 message(s)
15 February 2019 (edited)
It makes it much easier to identify which cards are of which type.
Black are regular cards. The red are designated as XXX and may include toys.
Inscrit en Mar 2008

3758 message(s)
15 February 2019
It makes it more obvious which card belongs to which collection..

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